
As a web developer, I have a wide range of skills and experience with various technologies. I specialize in Javascript and have a particular expertise in React, React Native, Meteor.js, and Node.js. These technologies allow me to create customized web applications with seamless performance and user experience. In addition, I also have extensive experience in building and maintaining WordPress websites. I can install templates, optimize performance, and ensure that the website is up to date and secure. Whether it's custom development or WordPress website, I always strive to provide high-quality work that meets the needs of my clients.

A powerful online quoting tool designed for creating and sending graphical quotes, with built-in analytics and notifications to monitor performance.

Team & clientsfloriaan-zwartgeert-hoekzema

A project management tool built with Meteor and React, where I handled both backend and frontend development while collaborating with a designer.

Team & clientsalfred-kroljelmer-de-jong

Ledit was a React Native project I worked on in my HBO school. The app enabled users to control a physical programmable LED strip and display various effects.

Team & clientsmarwin-doddemamaurice-holtmanklaas-yntema

As my first internship assignment at Dotsolutions in Hoogeveen, I developed a tool for real-time voting on statements. Can be used for public presentations or shared online. Both backend and frontend developed by me.

Team & clientsjan-leijssenaarherold-velema

Commissioned by E-sites, Breese is a new content creation division. I realized the front-end and worked closely with the designers to bring their vision to life.

Team & clientssjoerd-van-oostenthijs-van-der-veldenlieve-sonke

Explore Cards is a web application I worked on for E-sites/Morrow. As the front-end developer, I was responsible for its implementation. The concept was for children to collect cards and tick them off in the web app.

Team & clientsmarten-de-jonghsjoerd-van-oosten

This was one of my first projects. It's a Meteor/React website where I was responsible for design, frontend, and backend. Elderly people could browse through domotica products.

Team & clientsfred-te-riet-ook-genaamd-scholten

This is a WordPress website where Blauwe Bes Drenthe can sell various projects to their customers. I'm responsible for the WordPress website, and the copy was written by a copywriter.

Team & clientsmiriam-bussemakermonique-heinzmarsha-boes

Complete redesign of a Wordpress website for tourists, residents, and entrepreneurs of Coevorden. I maintain and implement new functionalities.

Team & clientssonja-egbertsedwin-boomstra

I installed a WordPress website for them and maintain it whenever they need additional functionality. This helps them increase their online visibility to attract more sponsors.

Team & clientspaul-de-haan

This website is for a solar panel installer to improve their visibility in the area. I'm responsible for maintaining the website and installing it.

Team & clientsfred-te-riet-ook-genaamd-scholten

This is a WordPress website for a company that provides secretarial support to businesses. I'm responsible for maintaining and installing the WordPress website.

Team & clientssonja-egberts

Kicun Advies is a website that helps Fred improve his online visibility. It's a WordPress template that I maintain.

Team & clientsfred-te-riet-ook-genaamd-scholten

This is a website for a holiday home on Ameland. It contains practical information and photos. I'm responsible for maintaining and installing the WordPress website.

Team & clientswilco-jacobs